National REDD+ Strategy of Lao People’s Democratic Republic


     The NRS of Lao PDR has a vision that by 2030 forest and forestland, which will cover 70% of the country’s total land area, are sustainably managed, protected, developed and utilized through the participation of all stakeholders in the whole society; forest management systems are enhanced; and forest can provide efficient economic, social and environment services. The NRS of Lao PDR set the target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the forestry sector by 30 million tCO2e by 2025. This includes reducing emissions from forest/tree loss of around 21 million tCO2e, and the promotion of emission removals of around 9 million tCO2e through forest restoration and plantation.


File Description File size Downloads
ENG NRS 2021 Final 947 KB 461
Lao NRS 2021 Final 977 KB 609