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Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Department of Forestry
Governance, Forest Landscapes and Livelihood (GFLL) Project



(National Climate Smart Agriculture Consultant)


The Emissions Reduction (ER) Programme of Lao PDR embodies the Government of Lao PDR’s (GoL) commitment to reforming land use, enhancing forest restoration and protection. The GoL embraces REDD+ as the opportunity for transforming rural land use, from opportunistic revenue generation at the cost of natural resources, to strategic and efficient land use delivered through participatory and integrated planning design.  The ER Programme (ER-P) launches the implementation phase of the National REDD+ Programme and is designed as a strategic and scalable foundation for addressing the key drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions beyond business as usual. Key direct drivers interplay with a set of complex underlying drivers. The direct drivers include permanent agriculture expansion, shifting cultivation, illegal and unsustainable timber harvesting and infrastructure development. The interventions of the ER Programme correspond to each of the four main drivers.

The Department of Forestry (DoF) at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) is responsible for managing the first sub-national emission reduction program in Lao PDR titled Governance, Forest Landscapes and Livelihoods – Northern Laos (GFLL). GFLL is now in its implementation phase and is planning to recruit a National Climate Smart Agriculture Consultant (NCSAC) for its NPMU.

The candidate should have the following experience and qualifications:

  • A bachelor’s degree or higher, agriculture, climate change, economics or related field;
  • At least five years experience related to agriculture project planning and development and climate change;
  • Demonstrated expertise with development of technical models for CSA, agro forestry and agriculture-forest linkages;
  • Knowledge and practical expertise in climate change mitigation/adaptation and community-based project development and implementation;
  • Ability to design and conduct capacity building events for different stakeholders;
  • Prior experience with forest projects, preferably in Northern Laos;
  • Field-based experience at the village level with local communities, village institutions, including with Village Development Communities;
  • Technical knowledge of regulations related to agriculture, land tenure, forest and land use zoning and planning and PLUP – Participatory Land Use Planning and in development of PLUPs;
  • Experience in working and collaborating with government representatives, local authorities, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders;
  • Familiarity with use of spatial planning tools and resources;
  • Fluent in writing and speaking in Lao and English.

The consultants will be selected under selection method for Individual Consultants based on the GoL’s Law Procurement on Public Procurement No. 30/ NA dated 2nd November 2017 and the Instruction on the Implementation of Law on Public Procurement No. 0477/ MOF dated 13th February 2019. The full ToR for the assignment can be found at the following website or can be sent to candidates upon written request to the e-mail address below.

Expression of Interested along with CV (including affixed recent photo) must be submitted (indicated the position) not later than 25th March 2025 via email to the address below:

Mr. Phetdaovong Namphachan, National Project Coordinator (GFLL Project)

Deputy Director of REDD+ (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) Division

Department of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ban Phontongsavath (corner of traffic light of junction from Phonphanao Road and P-3 Road), Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR



Download File: REOI_NCSA Mar 2025