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Monthly Archives: December 2024

Terms of Reference


International Community Engagement and Safeguards Consultant

to support the Lao National REDD+ Program,

the REDD+ Taskforce, and the REDD+ Division


Governance, Forest Landscapes and Livelihoods (GFLL) – Northern Laos



The Emissions Reduction (ER) Programme of Lao PDR embodies the Government of Lao PDR’s (GoL) commitment to reforming land use, enhancing forest restoration and protection. The GoL embraces REDD+ as the opportunity for transforming rural land use, from opportunistic revenue generation at the cost of natural resources, to strategic and efficient land use delivered through participatory and integrated planning design.  The ER Programme (ER-P) launches the implementation phase of the National REDD+ Programme and is designed as a strategic and scalable foundation for addressing the key drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions beyond business as usual. Key direct drivers interplay with a set of complex underlying drivers. The direct drivers include permanent agriculture expansion, shifting cultivation, illegal and unsustainable timber harvesting and infrastructure development. The interventions of the ER Programme correspond to each of the four main drivers.

The GoL has participated in the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) since May 2008. The FCPF manages two different multi-donor funds – the Fund for REDD+ Readiness Preparation Support and the Carbon Fund. Lao PDR was provided with a REDD+ Readiness Preparation grant in November 2011, which supports analytical work including the development of the REDD+ strategy, relevant legal and regulatory frameworks, capacity development including training and workshops, stakeholder consultations, communication campaigns, and awareness-raising. The FCPF Readiness has contributed to developing Lao PDR’s capacity to receive REDD+ investments.  One such international investment for REDD+ is from the ER-P through results-based payments from the FCPF Carbon Fund.

The Department of Forestry (DoF) at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) is responsible for managing the first sub-national emission reduction program in Lao PDR titled Governance, Forest Landscapes and Livelihoods – Northern Laos (GFLL).

The Program covers an area of 8.1 million hectares of six provinces located in northern Lao PDR, which includes Bokeo, Huaphan Luang Namtha, Luang Prabang, Oudomxay, and Sayaburi. The Program stems from a strong analysis and understanding of the main direct and underlying drivers of forest loss.  The area constitutes approximately one-third of both the country’s geographical and forest area, with a population of 1.8 million people and where the dominant land use designation is forest. Each province in the GFLL program area shares an international border with one of the surrounding countries of Thailand, Myanmar, China and Vietnam.

The Lao REDD+ program has made significant progress and has already endorsed its National REDD+ Strategy (NRS), developed its Reference Emission Level and Forest Reference Level (REL/FRL), continues to strengthen the National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) through an approved roadmap, and has established its Safeguards Information System (SIS). In addition a Benefit Sharing Plan (BSP) has been prepared. The first results based payment has also been received by the GoL and is now being deployed as per the BSP.


The GFLL is looking for an International Community Engagement and Safeguards Consultant (ICESC) who would provide support to the Lao National REDD+ Program. The consultant would provide technical advice, guidance and support to the program on community engagement, and social and environmental safeguards applied under the program


Framework Safeguard Documents

The above mentioned community engagement, and social and environmental safeguards policy requirements and implementation process are provided in a safeguards operational package (or Safeguard Package), which  has been developed for GFLL and has been reviewed by the World Bank. The safeguards package simplifies and includes: -Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA); -Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF); -Ethnic Group Policy Framework (EGPF); -Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF); -Process Framework (PF); and, -Gender Action Plan (GAP). These documents have been disclosed on the DoF website (


GFLL Approach to Community Engagement and Safeguards

The GFLL has integrated social and environmental safeguards into its community engagement process (CEP) based on lessons learned and experiences from similar forest conservation and management  projects financed by the WB in Laos. The consultant will be responsible for guiding and supporting the TA team of national and international consultants, and forestry staff for implementing the community engagement process, ensuring compliance with social and environmental safeguards, and  monitoring. The project aims to establish community action plans in approximately 300 villages in the six project provinces in Northern Laos through three-steps of CEP.



Implementation of the GFLL safeguards

The current focus of the GFLL Program is the implementation of the Benefit Sharing Plan (BSP). One of the GFLL program’s main modalities to achieve emissions reductions is through support for interventions at the village level. Specific project activities include: -Improved village-level Participatory Land Use Planning (PLUP); -Sustainable Forest Management activities (SFM); -Forest Land Restoration (FLR) activities, including the establishment of agroforestry  systems and mixed-species plantations; and -Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA).


The specific activities that will be supported in each participating village is determined through a Community Engagement Process (CEP), which includes multiple consultations in each village, resulting in the development and implementation of Community Action Plans (CAP). These CAPs define the activities that the GFLL Program will support in each village and the commitments made by communities in exchange for this support (Community Conservation Agreement/CCA) to be overseen/implemented by the Village Development Committee (VDC).


The steps, activities and outputs of the CEP are detailed in an Operational Safeguards Package, designed to execute the commitments contained in the program framework safeguard documents (ESMF, EGDF, RPF and PF). The Operational Safeguards Package is a living document that can be updated based on the evolving realities of the GFLL Program, and lessons learned from implementation.


Institutional arrangements

The District Agriculture and Forestry Offices (DAFO) will lead the development of the CAPs in each district, supported by the Lao Women’s Union (LWU), Lao Front for National Construction (LFNC). LWU and LFND are a government mass organizations in charge of advocacy and promotion of women and ethnic groups in development and natural resource management, These mass organizations have local presence nationwide, from village up to the central level. Each District is supported by the relevant Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office (PAFO), who plays a coordinating, technical support and oversight role. Additional support is provided by GFLL Provincial Coordinators and GFLL program Technical Advisors (Safeguards, SFM and CSA). The CAPs and included CCA will be overseen/implemented by the VDCs with support from the relevant district offices. The VDC’s role is to manage funds disbursed to the village in accordance with the activities and budgets outlined in the CAP, to supervise the implementation of the activities and to report on this to the responsible DAFO. In addition, each of the six participating PAFO has established Social and Environmental Safeguards Units (SESUs) for the application, management, monitoring and reporting of social and environmental safeguards.


Capacity Building

Throughout 2023 and 2024, several phases of training have been delivered by the GFLL Technical Advisors to build the capacities of PAFO and DAFO staff in the six program provinces. Each training focused on one step of the CEP and was followed by field training to accompany DAFOs in the implementation of the CEP activities, as well as documentation. Further details of the training delivered are included in the GFLL program annual safeguards implementation reports, which will be provided to the consultant at the start of the assignment.




The objective of the assignment is to assist the National Project Management Unit (PMU)/Province Project Management Units (PPMU) to oversee, provide guidance and support on the Community Engagement Process (CEP) in project villages and on compliance with the safeguard requirements contained in the Safeguards Operational Package and monitor its compliance.


The International Community Engagement and Safeguards Consultant in close collaboration with the national social and environmental consultants, and the SFM and CSA consultants will lead and support the implementation of the CEP and development of CAPs, including monitoring of subsequent social and environmental safeguard requirements.




The consultant will perform the following tasks:


Oversee and guide the Community Engagement Process and Safeguards

-Become familiar with the Safeguards Operational Package including steps, requirements, and tools

-Become familiar with the state of CEP implementation process and status of CAPs development

-Identify gaps/challenges to the implementation of the CEP and propose remedial measures

-Be responsible for management of all social and environmental safeguards in the project area including guidance and support in E&S impact screening/assessment and preparation of Site Specific safeguard instruments (CAPs, Environmental and Social Management Plans (SS-ESMPs) or Environmental Codes of Practice (ECOPs) for activities and infrastructure subprojects identified in the CAPs

-Lead preparation, review and revision of the safeguard instruments (Safeguard Package, ESMF, EGDF RPF and PF) and site specific instruments/tools (CAP and SS-ESMPs or ECOPs) for activities and work subprojects based on the evolving realities of the GFLL Program, and lessons learned from implementation of these instruments, or as required.


Monitor safeguards compliance during the CEP implementation

-Provide guidance to the collection and assessment of all data required from project villages

-Develop and operationalize simple monitoring tools for tracking CEP implementation

-Develop a plan for monitoring of social and environmental safeguard compliance

-Be responsible for all reporting requirements related to CEP and safeguards. With input from the national consultants, prepare a safeguard monitoring reports as part of the program progress report (Emission Reduction Monitoring Report (ERMR) for submission to the WB on an annual basis

-Develop and ensure the grievance redress mechanism is functional and effective in all project villages with focal persons of PMU and PPMUs and village committee appointed, trained and GRM information including their contact details disclosed in the villages


Capacity Development

-Identify capacity building requirements and develop an annual capacity building plan

-Review existing capacity building material and resources for CEP and safeguards and revise as required

-Lead and facilitate capacity building events in collaboration with national TA and government staff


Work Plans and Budgets

-Support the national TA team to develop annual work plans and budgets and work closely with CTA and ensure the safeguard workplans and budgets are integrated into the overall project Annual Workplan and Budeg (AWPB) to submitted to the World Bank for review

-Monitor work plans and budgets on a quarterly basis and revise as required.





The International Community Engagement and Safeguards Consultant  should have the following experience and qualifications:

  • At least master’s degree in Anthropology, Sociology, Law, Applied Social and/or Environmental Science or in related field.
  • Knowledge of, and experience with multilateral development bank (WB and ADB) safeguard policies. Specific experience with World Bank safeguard policies would be preferred
  • Minimum of 10 years of experience in work related to safeguards, as well as the design and implementation of community engagement processes
  • Familiar with project design, management, and monitoring and evaluation
  • Knowledge of the Lao PDR Government system/institutions and familiarity with forestry sector institutions including the Department of Forestry/REDD+ Division
  • Experience in design, facilitation and delivery of capacity building programs related to safeguards/community engagement
  • Excellent spoken and written skills in English.
  • Working experience in southeast Asian countries
  • Ability to communicate in the Lao language would be an asset
  • Flexibility and ability to work and deliver high-quality products in a timely manner.




The consultant will provide the following deliverables:

  • Community engagement and safeguards Plan
  • Work Plan and Budget
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
  • ToRs for Technical Assistance
  • Community engagement and safeguards monitoring Reports



The International Community Engagement and Safeguards Consultant will report to the National Project Coordinator, REDD+ Division of the Department of Forests (DoF) in Vientiane, Lao PDR. The duty station will be Vientiane, Lao PDR. The duration of this assignment would be from 1 March 2025 to 28 February 2026 with possible annual contract extension subject to work performance.




Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Department of Forestry
Governance, Forest Landscapes and Livelihood (GFLL) Project



(for Individual Consultants)


The Emissions Reduction (ER) Programme of Lao PDR embodies the Government of Lao PDR’s (GoL) commitment to reforming land use, enhancing forest restoration and protection. The GoL embraces REDD+ as the opportunity for transforming rural land use, from opportunistic revenue generation at the cost of natural resources, to strategic and efficient land use delivered through participatory and integrated planning design.  The ER Programme (ER-P) launches the implementation phase of the National REDD+ Programme and is designed as a strategic and scalable foundation for addressing the key drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions beyond business as usual. Key direct drivers interplay with a set of complex underlying drivers. The direct drivers include permanent agriculture expansion, shifting cultivation, illegal and unsustainable timber harvesting and infrastructure development. The interventions of the ER Programme correspond to each of the four main drivers.

The Department of Forestry (DoF) at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) is responsible for managing the first sub-national emission reduction program in Lao PDR titled Governance, Forest Landscapes and Livelihoods – Northern Laos (GFLL).

GFLL now is now seeking for the International Community Engagement and Safeguards Consultant who should have the following experience and qualifications:

  • At least master’s degree in Anthropology, Sociology, Law, Applied Social and/or Environmental Science or in related field.
  • Knowledge of, and experience with multilateral development bank (WB and ADB) safeguard policies. Specific experience with World Bank safeguard policies would be preferred
  • Minimum of 10 years of experience in work related to safeguards, as well as the design and implementation of community engagement processes
  • Familiar with project design, management, and monitoring and evaluation
  • Knowledge of the Lao PDR Government system/institutions and familiarity with forestry sector institutions including the Department of Forestry/REDD+ Division
  • Experience in design, facilitation and delivery of capacity building programs related to safeguards/community engagement
  • Excellent spoken and written skills in English.
  • Working experience in southeast Asian countries
  • Ability to communicate in the Lao language would be an asset
  • Flexibility and ability to work and deliver high-quality products in a timely manner.

The consultants will be selected under selection method for Individual Consultants based on the GoL’s Law Procurement on Public Procurement No. 30/ NA dated 2nd November 2017 and the Instruction on the Implementation of Law on Public Procurement No. 0477/ MOF dated 13th February 2019. The full ToR for the assignment can be found at the following website or can be sent to candidates upon written request to the e-mail address below.


Expression of Interested along with CV (including affixed recent photo) must be submitted (indicated the position) not later than 3rd January 2025 via email to the address below:

Mr. Phetdaovong Namphachan, National Project Coordinator (GFLL Project)

Deputy Director of REDD+ (Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) Division

Department of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ban Phontongsavath (corner of traffic light of junction from Phonphanao Road and P-3 Road), Chanthabouly District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR



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