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1st Summary of Information on How Safeguards for REDD+ were addressed and respected by Lao People’s Democratic Republic for the period 2015-2018


This 1st Summary of Information on How Safeguards for REDD+ were addressed and respected in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (1st SOI of Lao PDR) has been prepared and submitted in line with Decision 17/CP.21 of the UNFCCC, the paragraph 4, and covers the period of 4 years from 2015 to 2018 to receive the results-based payment from the Green Climate Fund (GCF). In accordance with Decision 17/CP. 21 of the UNFCCC, 1st SOI of Lao PDR presents the national circumstances, description of each safeguard including how addressed and respected in the Lao PDR context, relevant systems and processes including the safeguard information system, and other information relevant to the safeguards. 1st SOI of Lao PDR also spells out the gaps and challenges for fully “addressing and respecting” Cancun Safeguards and these gaps and challenges will be filled or overcome in a step-wise approach with resources both available within the country and provided from international community including the results-based-payment from GCF. In addition, the improvements made in 2019, which is beyond the payment period, are also stated as a reference for transparency and development of 2nd SOI of Lao PDR. 1st SOI of Lao PDR has been developed in both Lao and English simultaneously under the guidance of the Safeguards Technical Working Group (SG TWG) and through the consultations at various levels in the country, comments from relevant stakeholders on its drafts, and a group of experts both national and international. The development process of 1st SOI of Lao PDR didn’t start from scratch but relies heavily on existing REDD+ related safeguards systems/frameworks at sub-national or project levels, some of which were also developed under the guidance of SG TWG and through stakeholder consultations. Therefore, it could be said that even though this is the 1st SOI of Lao PDR, Lao PDR has rich experiences in dealing with REDD+ safeguards and has been implementing them at various levels except national level.

(ENG) Full SOI Lao PDR submission



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